Dean Martin meets and begins collaborating with Jerry Lewis. Martin and Lewis — an Italian and a Jew — become the most...
In the first half of the 1950s, Martin and Lewis mint money as movie stars–and find unique ways to make their access...
Sammy tests the power of his new celebrity, on Broadway and in Hollywood, where he stars in the most controversial movie musical...
After the breakup of Martin and Lewis, Dino has to figure out how to stand on his own as a solo act....
In the early 40s, both Dean and Sammy idolized Frank Sinatra. 20 years later, they became Sinatra’s cohorts in the Rat Pack,...
Released in 1965, Sammy Davis Jr.’s autobiography became an instant classic, one of the most dynamic celebrity memoirs ever published and a...
In the mid-1960s, 47 year-old Dean Martin proves he’s still got it by knocking the Beatles off the top of the pop...